Putting science into Sci-Fi
When Left Bank Pictures (producers of The Crown and Lost) were looking for someone to give their Sci fi adventure, ORIGIN, a touch of realism – they called upon Imperial Consultants. Thanks to his previous work with filmmakers, writers and artists, they were introduced to Dr Roberto Trotta, a theoretical cosmologist renowned for taking on the unusual – and gifted in translating ‘science-speak’ into layman’s terms.
The screen-writers wanted the space scenes in ORIGIN to be breath-taking – but also believe-able. They wanted to ensure that what they depicted was plausible – and grounded in science. So this is where Roberto came in.
Calling upon his experience as a science communicator Roberto was able to work with the creatives on the storyline – and give his insight into the look and feel of space and rocket flight.
“I worked with them on the mechanics of an interstellar voyage and discussed what the ship would look like, how gravity would affect its handling, the type of propulsion system it might use – and the threats the crew might encounter in space.” advised Dr Trotta
“I also worked with them on the images of the universe as seen through the windows of the space craft – and helped them plot where the mission might actually go.”
“It was exciting. I was their sounding board. I was there to apply my knowledge and give their series the science-based realism needed to keep their worldwide audience engaged. Plus I had to delve a little deeper into my understanding of some aspects, so that was fun.”
“It was great to the see the theory brought to life in such a creative way.”
The series is launched on YouTube premium on 14 November, with the world premiere on 8 Nov. You can see the trailer and episode 1
“Roberto is one of the most brilliant and insightful minds I’ve worked with. He provides scientifically-grounded answers to a huge range of weird and wonderful questions, and relays complex subject matter in a clear and understandable way. As we’re working together on a TV drama, he also appreciates where scientific accuracy and fiction must necessarily part ways, and is able to give exciting and dramatically-rich possibilities for science-fiction storylines. It’s undeniable that he’s enhanced and elevated Origin hugely, and is an inspiring and collaborative person to have on board.”
Mika Watkins
Creator, Writer and Excutive Producer, ORIGIN
“Collaborating with Roberto on our sci-fi series ORIGIN was as inspiring an experience as it was informative. Roberto is a natural born storyteller; he has the ability to bring incredibly complex ideas to life for those of us with a lesser grasp of the subject matter, whilst making it feel more like a conversation than a lecture. His input throughout the development of all ten episodes was invaluable, and never once did he highlight a problem without coming armed with a handful of potential solutions. An all-round brilliant experience, that undoubtedly enriched the world of our show. Thank you Roberto!”–
Alice Pearse
ORIGIN Producer, Left Bank Pictures
Read more about Dr Roberto Trotta
- Read the biography of Dr Trotta http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/r.trotta
- Our Place in the Multiverse – TEDx Talk https://youtu.be/a6Qbc5-5t-I
- Dr Trotta tells the tale of the big bang and the birth of the universe all the way through to theories of its destiny in – ‘The Edge of the Sky: All You Need to Know About the All-There-Is’ Hear more about the book from Roberto himself.
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