News & Events
Register to watch ON DEMAND webinar on Fetal Growth Restriction, the first in a our series of four, FREE educational webinars exploring Fetal Medicine.
- Fetal growth restriction at the 20 week scan: outcomes
- Early onset fetal growth restriction management with Dopplers
- Interview: Doppler settings and technical tips
- How to manage late fetal growth restriction
- Neonatologist interview: Growth restricted babies and post-natal care
- Key points of controversy in diagnostic criteria
- Genetic conditions and fetal growth restrictions
- Genetic Counsellor interview: Which tests and when?
Delivered by international experts
- Christoph Lees, Professor of Obstetrics at Imperial College London, and Consultant at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, UK
- Pieter Steensma, Clinical Strategy Leader Ultrasound Women’s Health EMEA, GE HealthCare, Netherlands
- Dr Medhat Alberry, Senior Attending Physician/ MFM at Sidra Medicine, and Assistant Professor of Obstetrics at Weill Cornell University, Qatar
- Dr Olivia Barigye, Fetal Maternal Medicine Specialist and Obstetrician Gynaecologist, The Olive Tree Centre for Fetal Care, South Africa
- PLUS A plethora of guest specialist speakers
Why register?
- Discover strategies you can implement in your daily practice to enhance patient care.
- Each webinar features diagnostic and management case studies (relevant the world over), live interviews and panel discussions – all covering the latest research, techniques and technology. Plus there’ll be Question & Answer sessions too.
- This webinar series is designed for sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine, radiologists, neonatologists, and midwives like you.
- It’s delivered by Imperial College London’s Professor Christoph Lees, and supported by GE HealthCare.
- Once registered, you can choose to attend the events LIVE, or simply watch the recordings at your leisure.
Upcoming Webinars
- 25 April – Congenital Anomalies
- 25 July – Fetal Heart
- 26 September – Fetal Brain
Click to sign up for the series – and watch the webinar on demand!
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