Imperial’s COVID-19 vaccine
Latest news

IPARC awarded Best Pesticide Research & Education Agency – Europe
For over 60 years IPARC has worked to improve crop protection through R&D and training to achieve safer, responsible and more efficient use of pesticides globally. This well-deserved award recognises their huge contribution to research and education. read more

Webinar: Scar pregnancy & abnormally invasive placenta. 6pm (UK) July 22
Book your place for the third in the “East meets West” Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2021 - supported by Samsung - for sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine, radiologists and midwives. read more

DISPERSE: 25 years old and counting!
DISPERSE, a interactive software package for studying guided sound waves, celebrates it's 25th anniversary by launching a new upgrade with user friendly solutions for complex problems. read more
Related case studies

Imperial COVID-19 testing facilities
Imperial's facility, comprising the UKAS accredited Molecular Diagnostic Unit (MDU) and high-throughput robotic platform for RNA extraction, forms part of the Department of Health and Social Care's partnership with the London Testing Alliance, set-up by MedCity. read more

Paediatric HIV symposium – 20th International AIDS Conference
Our consultants shared their expertise in anti-retroviral drugs, HIV infections/paediatric HIV to help ViiV Healthcare deliver symposia on growing the future leaders in paediatric HIV at the International Aids Conference 2014. read more

Scottish health service delivery and performance
Our consultants shared their expertise in acute medicine and experience of working for governmental organisations and the NHS to help NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government to improve efficiency and quality in the Scottish health service. read more